Cerebrating ZOC!

After a hiatus of two years thanks to COVID-19, Cerebration, the ABE in-service training programme for teachers, returned with great josh to St. Andrew’s on Monday, 06 June 2022. Attended by more than 150 teachers from across the ABE schools, this has been the largest group till date.

As part of the opening day’s sessions, Fr. Magi Murzello was invited to speak to the teachers. He showed them what an impression they could make on their students. Not only did he teach them how to ‘WOW’ their students, but he also took them through ZOC2070 and the impact they and their students could have on the environment. Despite it being a post-lunch session, the teachers were at their creative best and it showed in their presentations.

Mr. Erik Malmberg, Consul at Consulate of Sweden, Mumbai was also present towards the latter end of the session, and he shared Sweden’s role in reducing carbon globally. As it was the day after World Environment Day, the teachers were privileged to view the exhibition showcased at St. Andrew’s Conference Hall by the Consulate of Sweden, Mumbai and pose for photographs with Mr. Malmberg.

Anjali Heredia Gracias

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